1820 - 1829

Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1820 Oct 17 S of Sinus Iridum Brilliant spots in Mare Imbrium S of Sinus Iridum Luthmer Luthmer 1824
1821 Feb 5-6 Aristarchus, vicinity Luminous appearance on dark side; 6th to 7th mag, 3' to 4' diameter Kater, Olbers, Browne Kater 1821; Olbers 1822, 1824; Gauss 1874; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1821 Apr 7 Posidonius Appeared without shadow Gruithuisen Webb 1962 ed., p.110
1821 May 4-6 Aristarchus, vicinity Bright spot on dark side, <1' diameter Ward, Baily Ward 1822; Baily 1822
1821 Jul 25 Dark side Brilliant flashing spots Gruithuisen Gruithuisen 1824
1821 Nov 28, ~20h00m Dark side Variable bright spot like 6th mag star Fallows Fallows 1822
1822 Jan 27 Aristarchus, vicinity Bright spot like 8th mag star F.G.W. Struve Struve 1823
1822 Jun 22-23 Aristarchus Lunar "volcano" Ruppell Ruppell 1822
1822 N/A "Volcanoes" on the moon; several occasions Flaugergues Flaugergues 1822
1822 N/A Lunar "volcano" Zach Zach 1822
1824 May 1 Near Aristarchus Blinking light, 9th to 10th mag on dark side Gobel Gobel 1826
1824 Oct 18 Aristarchus, vicinity Mingling of all kinds of colors in small spots in the W and NW of Aristarchus Gruithuisen Gruithuisen 1824; Fauth 1899
1824 Oct 20, 05h00m Dark side, Mare Nubium Bright area 100 x 20 km Gruithuisen Flammarion 1884; Azevado 1962
1824 Dec 8 Plato Bright fleck in SE part of crater Gruithuisen Sirius 1879
1825 Apr 8 Plato W part of crater brighter than E part Gruithuisen Sirius 1879
1825 Apr 22 Aristarchus and vicinity Periodic illumination Argelander, Gobel Argelander 1826, Gobel 1826
1825 Dec 1, 23h45m Ptolemaeus Bright spot Schwabe Sel.J. 1880
1826 Apr 12, 20h00m Mare Crisium Black moving haze or cloud Emmett Emmett 1826; Capron 1879
1826 Apr 13, 20h00m Mare Crisium; 1 hr Cloud less intense Emmett Capron 1879

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